IT Global Training.
Core Java Syllabus
Class 1
Introduction and the Java Environment.
Features of Java Language JVM, Java’s Bytecode. Installing Java, Java Program Development, Java Source File Structure, Compilation, Executions
Basic Language Elements
Lexical Tokens, Identifiers, Keywords, Literals, Comments, Primitive Datatypes, Operators Assignments
Control Flow Statements
Statements, Conditional (if) Statements, Data types and Variables, else if Condition, Switch Statements, While and do-while Loops, for Loops, the continue Statement, The break Statement.
Class 2
Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Class Fundamentals, Object & Object reference, Object Life time & Garbage Collection, Creating and Operating Objects, Constructor & initialization code block, Access Control, Modifiers, methods Nested, Inner Class & Anonymous Classes, Abstract Class & Interfaces Defining Methods, Argument Passing Mechanism, Method Overloading, Recursion, Dealing with Static Members, Finalize Method, Native Method. Use of “this “reference, Use of Modifiers with Classes & Methods.
Class 3
Extending Classes and Inheritance
Use and Benefits of Inheritance in OOP, Types of Inheritance in Java, Inheriting Data members and Methods, Role of Constructors in inheritance, Overriding Super Class Methods, Use of “super”, Polymorphism in inheritance, Type Compatibility and Conversion Implementing interfaces.
Class 4
Exception Handling
The Idea behind Exception, Exceptions & Errors, Types of Exception, Control Flow In Exceptions, JVM reaction to Exceptions, Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling, In-built and User Defined Exceptions, Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions.
Array & String
Defining an Array, Initializing & Accessing Array, Multi–Dimensional Array, Operation on String, Mutable & Immutable String, Using Collection Bases Loop for String, Tokenizing a String, Creating Strings using String Buffer.
Class 5
Java Utilities
Java Utilities (java.util Package) The Collection Framework: Collections of Objects, Collection Types, Sets, Sequence, Map, Understanding Hashing, and Use of Array List & Vector.
A Collection of Useful Classes
Utility Methods for Arrays, Observable and Observer Objects, Date & Times, Using Scanner Regular Expression, Input/Output Operation in Java ( Package), Streams and the new I/O Capabilities ,Understanding Streams, The Classes for Input and Output, The Standard Streams, Working with File Object, File I/O Basics, Reading and Writing to Files, Buffer and Buffer Management, Read/Write Operations with File Channel, Serializing Objects.
Class 6
Understanding Threads, Needs of Multi-Threaded Programming, Thread Life-Cycle Thread Priorities, Synchronizing Threads, Inter Communication of Threads Critical Factor in Thread –DeadLock.
Class 7
Database Programming using JDBC
Introduction to JDBC, JDBC Drivers & Architecture, CURD operation Using JDBC Connecting to non-conventional Databases.
Class 8
Using Generics, Type Erasure, Type Boundaries, Wildcards, Generic Methods, Strengths and Weaknesses of Generics, Legacy Code and Generics.
Uses for Meta-Data, the Annotations Model, Annotation Types and Annotations Built-In Annotations, Annotations vs. Descriptors (XML).
Class 9
Uses for Meta-Data, The Reflection API, The Class Class, The java.lang.reflect Package, Reading Type Information, Navigating Inheritance Trees, Dynamic Instantiation, Dynamic Invocation, Reflecting on Generics.
Object Serialization, Serializable Interface, Serialization API, ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream, The Serialization Engine, Transient Fields, readObject and writeObject, Externalizable Interface.