IT Global Training
French Language
At the end of the A2 level, learners would be able to:
Talk about yourself, your educational background, your job, your family, your neighbourhood
Talk about your hobbies and daily activities
Ask for goods in a shop where goods are displayed
Order a meal in a restaurant if dishes are either displayed or illustrated on the menu
Book a hotel room (face to face)
Ask for basic services in a post office or bank
Indicate the nature of a medical problem to a doctor
Make inquiries about a journey at a travel agency
Use public transport (buses, trains and taxis)
Ask your way and give directions
Buy tickets
Read notices, posters, catalogues, timetables, brochures, menus, advertisements, signs
Write notes and simple messages
Note down times, dates and places from notice boards and announcements
Note down instructions and requests such as client orders and delivery dates.
Describe events and daily activities
People : Family, Physical description - Les personnes : la famille, la description physique
Places :Café, Restaurant, Shops, Bank, Post office, Hotel, Road - Les lieux : le café, le restaurant, les commerces, la banque, le bureau de poste, l’hôtel, la rue.
Hobbies : Sports, Going out, Shows, Holiday trips - Les loisirs : le sport, les sorties, les spectacles, les voyages
Public transportation : Subway, Train, Bus, Taxi - Les moyens de transport : le métro, le bus, le train, le taxi...
Daily Life : Work, Shopping, Daily activities - La vie quotidienne : le travail, les achats, les activités quotidiennes
Accommodation : Units in the house, interior décor - Le logement : les pièces de la maison, la décoration
Everyday objets - Les objets du quotidien
Food ingredients, Cooking, Meals, Recipes - Les aliments, les repas, la cuisine, les recettes
Common animals - Les animaux familiers
Countries & Cities - Les pays, les villes
Itinerary, Weather forecast - L’itineraire, la météo
Actions in daily life - Les actions de la vie quotidienne
Events : Meetings, Evening out, Family events,Visits, Excursions, Accidents, TV news - Les évènements : rencontres, soirées, fêtes de famille, visites, excursions, accidents
Money and payments - L'argent, les paiements
Present Simple tense - Habit, State
ER, IR, OIR and RE verbs
Pronominal verbs
Common verbs, e.g.: come, go, do, know, see, take
Some Verbs + infinitive: want to, able to, can do
Have to + infinitive
Past Simple - events in the past
Past participles
Imperfect tense - descriptions in the past (it was,there was)
Imperative - Affirmative and Negative – forinstructions and commands
Near Future Tense
Future simple tense
Recent Past tense - to have just done sth
Present Progressive - to be in the process ofdoing something
Interrogative adjectives and pronouns
Adjectives - Position and Agreement
Possessive adjectives and pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns
Transitive and Intransitive verbs - Direct andIndirect object
Relative pronoun 'there' - place
Relative pronouns - who, that/which
Prepositions of time: when, while
Prepositions of place: go to, be at, come from + a place
Connectors: but, because
Call out sb, greet sb, Take leave of sb
Ask and Tell about sb's news
Welcome sb
Congratulate sb
Ask, Follow and Give instructions (using PresentSimple, Imperative and Infinitive), Ask sb to dosth, prohibit from doing sth
Order (food,ingredients, etc), Book a ticket, Cancel an order
Do simple transactions (buy, sell, do a bankingtransaction)
Ask, Give and Understand information
Give thanks
Describe past activities and personal experiences
Describe daily activities and habits
Talk about the future: explain future plans andpossibilities
Talk about past events
Give and justify one's opinion
Explain one's likes and preferences
Introduce sb
Expression of time: frequency
Expressions of place: give directions, locate aplace / an object / a person
Talk about feelings
Describe a person, his neighbourhood, a monument, a place, common animals, common objects, and lifestyle
Order sth, Book sth
Ask to pay
Ask or suggest something to somebody: help, aservice, an activity, make the necessaryarrangements, organise a meeting, offer something
Accept or refuse something (help, service,suggestion, meeting)
Invite and respond to an invitation
Apologise, accept apologies
Ask sb to repeat, to clarify, signal to sb that youcan follow what is being said
DELF A2 Sociocultural knowledge
Everyday expressions to express politeness
Conditional present to be polite or to make asuggestion (We could + infinitive)
Welcoming sb: greetings, asking for news,reaction to the response
How to write a personal message, differentmodels of business-related messages, and administrative message
How to get into a conversation, start talking, callout somebody, and take leave
How to get sb's attention (Excuse me, Sir ≠Hey, Hey you there, etc.)
Informal conversation
How to do phone conversation
Giving thanks